Once you have a deep understanding of the job you are solving, it is time to start doing design sprints. To get a deep understanding of this stage it is recommended you read this book. Note to facilitators read this guide as well as the book.

The big idea


A design sprint is simply going from problem to testing in 5 days. A very useful checklist for all five days is here and a break down of the whole process is here


Some essentials before you get too far down the road

Empathy is the start

Empathy is a necessary starting point in this process.

Deep personal understanding of users → translated into potential insights (non-obvious truths) → validated through the prototypes → into products.

<aside> 💥 Do not attempt a sprint unless you undersand and can empathise with the user.


Watch this 3 minute video to understand the importance of empathy in the design process

Watch this 3 minute video to understand the importance of empathy in the design process


Do not listen to your customers

Weird right? You had to do heaps of interviews with people and get empathy for them only to ignore them!?! Not quite but kind of, what this

What your last day of the design sprint should look like

What your last day of the design sprint should look like